AED's & Resuscitation

Zoll AED PLUS - Complete Package $2199.00

AED nylon carrying case, alarmed cabinet, AED signage, rescue kit

**CPR rate & depth audio feedback as per Heart & Stroke recommendations.

-Shock counter, lithium batteries & pads 5yr lifespan.

Cost savings in accessories compared to other AED's over 10 years.


Replacement Zoll Plus Pads $231.00

Batteries $90.00

Inspection Tags

Cardiac Science G5 Bilingual Package $2280.00

Complete Package: alarmed cabinet & AED signage

  • ICPR technology provides real-time, guideline-driven CPR feedback on the quality of chest compressions.

  • Dual-language function enables users to toggle between preset primary and secondary languages with a touch of a button

  • Fully automatic G5 unit will deliver a shock automatically when it detects a shockable heart rhythm

  • Rugged design withstands conditions like extreme temperature, high altitudes, and vibration

HeartSine Samaritan

Data cable for bilingual use. Battery & Pad packaged together, 4 yr lifespan. 10 year warranty.  Lowest ownership/maintenance cost over 10 years.  

Available in semi-automatic PAD 350   

$1889.00 Complete Package

Bilingual AED Round Top Cabinet for Samaritan AED, incl wall sign  $299.00

Standard Square-Top Alarmed Bilingual Cabinet, incl wall sign $199.00

Philips AED Bundle $1649.00 *Global Backorder*

Includes Alarmed AED Cabinet & AED Signage


Transport Canada Shipping of Dangerous Goods Charge for

Lithium Batteries    $25.00

This charge is to be added to any purchase of an AED or replacement battery.


For further Information or to place your order

Call 416 573-3299

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